There have been few attempts to integrate the ACES studies into medicine, but this has created a new set of challenges in terms of time to address the several emotional woes of patients. This is more likely to feel like the case when it is not clear which issues are impacting physical diseases directly. The triad of physical, psychological and nutritional health impact practically every disease process either directly or indirectly. By understanding the richness of this dynamic, your impact as a clinician or caretaker can increase more than ten-fold. Emotional intelligence enhances the medical knowledge and your impact in the clinic room and how integrating this into your medical departments can leave patients feeling better about the care they receive and how clinicians and caretakers feel about themselves and their impact on patients. Contact me today for a free 15-minute clinician counseling consultation.
Clinician Counseling Testimonials
Schedule a free clinician counseling consultation on speaking, coaching and counseling clinicians and caretakers to decrease burnout and increase motivation in the healing environment.

Are you stuck as to how to get a patient to be more compliant in the treatment plan?
Have you tried everything you know to reduce medical markers for chronic disease and feel resistance in your patient?
Are you burned out from seeing patients at such a rapid pace, you are starting to care less and less about why you entered the field of medicine?
Decreasing burnout in your medical practice or career by incorporating emotional health into your lifestyle
Authentic application of ACES in diagnosing and creating treatment plans for patients
Educating colleagues on how emotional awareness can play a significant role in how racial, gender and sexual equity shows up in medicine.
Educating colleagues on the use of emotional health to enhance their practice and diagnostic skills as well as treatment plants.
Integrating emotional health as a part of self-care. It’s not just about meditating.
Investigating ways to pivot in medicine or outside of medicine by re-evaluating your commitment to the field.

In retrospect, there are several ways my medical training did not prepare me. For example, the importance of the physicians understanding nutrition, various disparities in medicine and self-care. It is possible that this lack of awareness has led to a decrease in the number of clinicians, especially younger clinicians leaving medicine. By August 2022, over 200,000 physicians left medicine. As medicine becomes a machine that creates a chasm between the care needed from the care provided, clinicians will feel more like robots than humans who impact other humans as a way to connect.
Clinicians will need to solve the issue of how they care for themselves and carve out a way to practice medicine with a new mindset and purpose. The old ways are no longer working and what we are able to see now is that it has become a system where difference is a threat instead of an opportunity to think and feel in a new way. We no longer inspire in medicine, we find metrics to help us mandate. In this way, the institution of medicine becomes the narcissistic parent where everything is about their needs and the clinician is only rewarded when they serve the needs of the solipsistic parent.
This “parent” and “child” dynamic leaves children feeling unseen and unheard. It leaves them feeling like they don’t matter. It creates a sense of nothing done is good enough since there is always more to do. It gives little reverence to issues that matter like creativity, autonomy and self-discovery as well as partnership with patients.

There is no surprise clinicians maintain their positions for several reasons including golden handcuffs that create the hope that something they do matters. But, in a system that has an overwhelming idea of one perspective, how can a clinician feel they can emotionally and spiritually mature and become their best self? They can’t. They can tell themselves they are, but the exodus from medicine is not fabricated. This is what creates dread instead of authentic energy on the commute to work.

There is no area of medicine that can truly be isolated because the body does not isolate the systems in order to function ideally. When we practice this concept as an act of self care it is easier to integrate this to how we interact with others in our lives professionally and personally. If you want to consider ways to become self-actualized in your career, schedule a free clinician counseling consultation.